Shipping and Incoterms

Available Formats: Single Topic Training Course

Duration: 1hr Theory

Course outcome:

The Shipping and Incoterms course will:

  • Provide participants with an understanding of the documents and Incoterms needed for international shipments
  • Develop the participants’ ability to elaborate or request the appropriate documents and select the right Incoterm in international transactions

Course Overview

The Shipping part of the course is designed to provide participants with an understanding of the key documents involved in international shipments. It will outline the different types of transport, the pros and cons of each one of them. The Incoterms part will explain what they are, the use of each depending on the transport method , and the risks and costs associated to them.

Course Objectives

  • Explain the different types of transport and the best use of each
  • Define documents required for international shipments
  • Analyze the responsibilities of importer and exporters
  • Get acquainted with the documents required for international shipments
  • Learn the different Incoterms and their relation to each type of transport
  • Know the risks and costs associated with each Incoterm

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