Product classification and rules of origin

Available Formats: Single Topic Training Course

Duration: 1hr Theory

Course outcome:

The Product Classification and Rules of Origin course will:

  • Provide participants with an understanding of the product classification and rules of origin that apply to international trade
  • Develop the participants’ ability to request the appropriate classification to successfully transact in international trade

Course Overview

The Product Classification and Rules of Origin is a course designed to provide participants with an understanding of the importance of the right product classification within the harmonized system and the effects on international trade transactions. The course will cover the rules of origin related to the classification and the implications on import duties and other nontariff rules.

Course Objectives

  • Explain the concept of HS Code
  • Understand the importance of a correct product classification
  • Get acquainted with the different HS codes and the relations to classification
  • Learn what a Certificate of Origin is
  • Analyze the information required to fill a Certificate of Origin
  • Explain the impact of the classification and rules of origin for customs purposes

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