Attitude and Stress Management

Available Formats: Single Topic Training Course

Duration: 1hr Theory

Course outcome:

The attitude and stress management course will:

  • Provide participants with an understanding of the importance of keeping a positive attitude and managing stress as an entrepreneur
  • Develop the participants’ ability to identify those elements that raise stress on day to day operations and how to manage the associated stress

Course Overview

The ABC of International Commerce is an intensive course designed to provide participants with an understanding of the key elements of international trade and a handful of practical tools they can act upon and use immediately. The course covers topics related to import and export transactions from the setup needs of the company to become and importer/exporter to the end point distribution.

Course Objectives

  • Explain the basic concepts of international trade
  • Define the setup requirements to become and importer or exporter
  • Analyze the product needs to be introduced in international markets
  • Understand the available international payment tools and payment methods
  • Get acquainted with the documents required for international shipments
  • Learn the different transport options and the Incoterms used
  • Be aware of the international trade agreements and their impact on international trade
  • Know the legal elements related to the distribution of imported goods

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